Page Forty-Nine
June 14, 2003


Early Saturday evening, we went out to take some photos of the completed walls.
Above right - Southwest corner of the living room. The area between the 18 windows will be covered later.


Above left - View of the back showing the sliding door opening in the bedroom for the deck access.
Above right & Below left - interior showing staircase area. The wall on the right edge of the stairs will be removed later.


Above right - master bathroom, laundry room and (hard to see in the back) library.


Above left - bedroom closet area, Above right - Laundry room showing chase area situated above the furnace in the garage, and Below - a better view of the upstairs library/exercise room and view.




As we were heading back, we took a few pictures of the sunset through the (future) living room windows.




We decided our new rock looked a bit like Sponge Bob Square Pants, :-) so Micheal decided to soften the square corners a little. Above left - You can just see the new house at the end of the driveway in the distance.


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