Review by
Dave Reade - (from
the newage newsgroup)
Richard Bone
What do you imagine from
that title? I imagine ghostly ships appearing
and then disappearing on the horizon while
lost on misty seas somewhere where land is a
seeming eternity away. This evocative,
haunting, eerie music is the best I've ever
heard at capturing feelings like those just
described. It's a must for anyone who loves
non-beat oriented ambient/space (I always
wondered how you can call beat oriented music
ambient but that's another discussion), get
this one. It's absolutely beautiful in a
mist-erious, shimmering way. Lest you fear
that the music doesn't go anywhere (like I
always am when I read a description like
this), it absolutely does, the compositions
are delicate, yet powerful - just when I'm
lusting for a change in the music, it's there
and better than I anticipated. Rich textures
abound. Two thumbs up, five stars or whatever
means great to you if you are a lover of this
type of music.