Review by Stephen Fruitman
Richard Bone inhabits his own special
little corner of the world of electronica,
betimes crafting drifting ambientscapes (like
the excellent 'The Spectral Ships' on Hypnos),
at others getting pretty jiggy and, well yes,
quirky with his buttons and knobs (check out
his hilarious little bit of boogie, "Vox 2.5",
on the emit label's '1197' compilation). He
has furthermore displayed a marked affection
for the sounds emanating out of the southern
hemisphere on albums like 'Electropica'. What
makes his entire oeuvre all of a piece,
however, is Bone's overriding love of a good
melody. Retaining the sense of easy-listening
play put to such effective use on the
latter-named CD, Bone swivels more in an
easterly direction with 'Disorient', his take
on World Music with a distinctly Arabo-Indian
hue. The tunes seem simplicity themselves and
yet they manage to be totally beguiling and
irresistable - the sawing strings and cooing
woodwind of "Barhoom", for example, or the
seductive percussiveness of "Templenet" just
won't stop playing in your head. 'Disorient'
is a tiny little Garden of Eden located smack
dab in the middle of a desert of ofttimes too
seriously self-conscious